Monday, July 19, 2010

New design new blog

Inspired by Staci and her amazing blogging skills, a sincere change is coming. More blogging. I know this has been part of your nightly prayers..."Please more blogging from Marianne..." Well those prayers have paid off. As I step on a new path toward untold adventures, those stories and wanderings shall be told.

Yesterday I realized that in less than a month, I'll be at my relocation site. My sister (not by blood but by friendship) in Seattle offered me to come and live with her and her family for a year as I continue to freelance. This is going to save me alot of money, giving me a chance to get financially in order and take some interesting jobs as well as some risks. Can you say BLESSING? All my stuff is in storage in Burbank. So no, I'm not moving...I'm relocating for a year.

I already have some gigs lined up...Sept & Oct in Virginia directing OUR TOWN at Regent University. Nov & Dec in Seattle teaching an acting class. Jan & Feb in LA directing KING LEAR at Actors Co-op and possibly teaching a class at Azusa Pacific University.

Today rehearsals start for SHADOWLANDS that I'm directing at American Coast Theatre Company in Costa Mesa, CA. What a beautiful show. It cracks my heart. We open August 6th so come out if you can. I think you'll be glad you did.

Today is also the final week of rehearsals with my high school ensemble at South Coast Rep. We're doing a play about the oil spill. These kids are great and give me great hope for the future.

More blogging to come...