Monday, January 25, 2010


So I got a bunch of screeners as a SAG member and just saw INGLORIOUS BASTERDS. Dang. Too bad the marketing of this film was so lame. This is a grownup movie. As good as Tarantino is I had no inkling that this film was so exquisite in the storytelling, acting, writing, directing, production design. Wow. Good job Quentin. Then there is THE HURT LOCKER (directed by a LADY ya'll) which I fear will be over looked this year. As a slightly obsessed lover of the war picture I am a big fan of this movie even though there are two plot points I find utterly unbelievable. Sorry that Jeremy Renner will not get an award this season, but I believe he'll get work and lets just say that people are crazy about him in said film. PRECIOUS. So difficult to watch and so important to. This film made me want to do something, make a difference. I Always think it's special when a story instills action in the viewer. MoNique did some devastating work. UP IN THE AIR. I liked it when I saw it in the theatre, but not so much as a screener. Hmmmm. Vera Farmiga did a number on my heart and that was cool. Clooney is just great as usual. Definitely worth seeing and definitely modern. 500 DAYS OF SUMMER. I really identified with this film and the work of Joseph Gordon-Levitt. That kid is special. And he looks frighteningly like Heath Ledger. He is going to be a major A-lister no doubt. Meryl Streep in JULIE AND JULIA is a revelation for sure. She is so comfortable in her skin and delightful. Shimmery. One word about an actor who needs an Oscar only because he deserves it more than almost anyone: Stanley Tucci. Nuf said.

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