Saturday, October 20, 2012

Sweet Home Mississippi

I'm fairly settled in my new place in Jackson, Mississippi.  I live in an area of Jackson that's known as Fondren.  Fondren used to be the location of the Mississippi Lunatic Asylum.  Somehow when I discovered this information it did not surprise me in the least.  Fondren is home to artists and folks who like to get their mingle on.  Apparently during Christmas there are light competitions and an award a Fondren house might hope for is the "Keeping it Funky" award.  Once a month the Fondren people meet up at the Rainbow Co-op grocery story to do a bike pub crawl.  Often folks crawl home in the wee hours of the morning.  I really love Fondren.  I really love funky artists.  Right up the road from my place is Lemuria bookstore which is one of my favorite bookstores in the WORLD.

Here are some pictures of my place...I'm going to wait to put some up of the guest still needs a bit of work.

My room, I painted those trees on the wall!

View from my front door.

Other side of my bedroom.

Dining area, looking onto back porch.

Dining area looking out back window.


Living room.

Come visit y'all!